SIB 2012 Casablanca Morocco
A Lusorochas esteve presente no Salon International du Bâtiment 2012 em Casablanca, Marrocos, no passado dia 24 de Novembro. Aqui ficam algumas fotos desta visita:
Lusorochas visited the Salon International du Bâtiment 2012 at Casablanca, Morocco, last 24th November. See some pictures from this visite:
Lusorochas visited the Salon International du Bâtiment 2012 at Casablanca, Morocco, last 24th November. See some pictures from this visite:
Pavilhão de Portugal e expositores portugueses.
Portuguese pavillion and exhibitors.
Mesquita Hassan II, Casablanca.
Hassan II mosque, Casablanca.
Pão folhado ao pequeno-almoço...
Typical pastry at breakfast...
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